
Spray Injection Patchers

Crafco’s Magnum Spray Injection Patcher effectively repairs a wide variety of pavement conditions including potholes, deteriorated shoulders, utility cuts, fissures and alligator cracked areas. The Magnum Spray Injection Patcher’s integrated operation cleans the area to be repaired, applies a tack coat, coats the aggregate with asphalt emulsion and then applies the mixture, all in one easy continuous operation.

Using high velocity air in conjunction with the screw auger, the coated aggregate material is compacted during application, leaving virtually no voids in the final pavement repair and making a long lasting patch that is superior to conventional methods as proven by government studies. The Magnum is the trailer-based Crafco spray injection patcher.

Features and Benefits:

  • Cleans, tacks, fills and compacts in one continuous operation
  • Highest production in the industry
  • Large 1,275 sq. ft. work area
  • Easy to use with just a two-person crew
  • Provides a long-lasting repair
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